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Outline and Powersoft electrify Rockin’1000, THE WORLD’S BIGGEST ROCK BAND

Rockin ‘ 1000(千人摇滚乐团)最初于20157月在意大利切塞纳集合, 其宏大的目标是召集数千名音乐家同时演出,创造史上最大的摇滚秀,众筹足够的资金,并让传奇喷火战机乐队前来切塞纳演出。该音乐视频在全球范围内引起了数百万人的关注,113日,喷火战机乐队为千人摇滚乐团、众筹人和参与七月份演出的志愿者们举行了一场独特的三小时演出。

Fabio Zaffagnini组织,并在Marco Sabiu的指导下,演出成为一年一度的盛事:2016724日,千人摇滚乐团在切塞纳Orogel体育场举行了一场18首歌的演唱会,观众达1.5万人。

今年,Rockin ‘ 1000主题That’s Live搬到了佛罗伦萨弗兰基球场,721日,千人摇滚乐团在该场馆举行了另一场最大的演出,Hole乐队主唱兼吉他手Courtney Love作为特邀嘉宾,并由意大利Powersoft公司(提供功率放大器)Outline(欧浪)公司(提供PA扩声系统)携手提供技术音频支持。



GTO无与伦比的音频质量和信号动态,全部由Outline(欧浪)Newton系统 (世界上最先进的FPGA处理器)控制,为今年参加此次活动的成千上万的观众带来真正的观众体验。


Rockin’1000 originally assembled in July2015 inCesena (Italy), with the very ambitious ideal of gathering one thousands musicians playing simultaneously to create the biggest Rock show ever, crowdfund enough money and get legendary band Foo Fighters to come and play a gig in Cesena.The success was such that the video hit millions of views worldwide, and on November 3rd, Foo Fighters gave a unique and exclusive three hours show to the Thousand, crowdfunders and volunteers who got involved in the July performance.

Organised by Fabio Zaffagnini and under the direction of Marco Sabiu, the show has since become a yearly event: on the 24th July 2016, The Thousand played an 18-song concert inCesena’s Orogel Stadium in front of an audience of 15,000 people.

This year, Rockin’1000 That’s Live moved to Florence’s Artemio Franchi stadium, where The Thousand played another full gig on the 21st July with Hole’s Courtney Love’s as a special guest, and technical audio support from Italian companies Powersoft (for the amplifiers) and Outline (for the PA system).

More than 1000 musicians, the biggest Rock band on earth, will play simultaneously 18 of the most exciting songs in Rock history.

An unforgettable show at the Artemio Franchi Stadium inFlorence.

 The GTO‘s unparalleled audio quality and dynamics, all controlled by OutlineNewton (the world‘s most advanced FPGA processor), will deliver the True Audience Experience to the many thousands of visitors attending the event this year.

Watch the official “behind the scenes” video to discover how Powersoft and Outline solved a mind-blowing audio headache to deliver a pristine sonic performance to an electrified audience.



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